UNC Ropes Course

The zip lining tower

I’m the kid with half and half shirt

Me zip lining

Once again I’m the kid in the grey shorts and white shirt an blue helmet

People waiting to zipline

I’m the kid in the white shirt

At the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year Durham Academy went to UNC Ropes Course where we did a zip line, group games, and ate. That day it felt weird to go to school with only a water bottle and snack/lunch.

My group played walking tag first. My best friend Mica  and I teamed up. She tagged me but I couldn’t get her. My shoes got soaked. Next, we played some activity games like balance the boat where we tried to balance an oversized seesaw. We then took a break before lunch then had lunch. Lunch felt like the longest lunch of my life but I got to talk to some of my best friends like Zoe, Mica,and Elena. After lunch I got to go on the zipline. The zipline was very high up which is scary since i’m scared of heights. I thought about forfeiting but I didn’t and I’m so happy I did it. It was the best feeling ever.

I want to thank my school for all the amazing things they let us do. My school gives me opportunities to do new things and find what I like. I also want to thank Mica because she convinced me to go on the zipline. I love these new opportunities I have been able to do.

Wisdom Tale Projects

My Language Arts class is reading a book called Wisdom Tales. For the past week or so people in my class have been practicing or making their wisdom tales project. My friend Emily and I teamed up to do a story named The Little Lizard’s Sorrow which is basically about this gambler who made a game and he lost the game to a beggar and turned into a lizard. Emily  and I did acting. Emily was the beggar and I was the lizard/gambler. For these photos, I am the kid in the big white and grey sweater and Emily is the kid in the pink pants.