

You may or may not have heard of Ted Talks but Ted Talks are a good way to learn about things you may not know about. Why am I talking about Ted Talks? Well, in my Language Arts class we were given a couple weeks to put together a five minutes or less Ted like Talk about something we were fascinated in.


Something I am fascinated with is acting and musical theater which is what my Ted like Talk is about. I gave examples of acting from my own life. I also gave tips and told stereotypes. Something I liked about presenting is that it feels like you are just getting stuff out of your mind because you’re finally done.


Stocks Project

The Westing Game is a book we read in language arts and in language arts we also did a project about stocks and saw who got the most money at the end. In The Westing Game a character named Turtle tries to win the game by using stocks to find clues to help her win the game which is how our stocks project relates to The Westing Game. In the stocks project I invested in Lululemon, Ulta Beauty, Amazon, and Chipotle, in the end I lost $333.09 even though Chipotle gave about 2k each time. The stock that failed me the most was Amazon because the stocks keep changing up and down.



In my Language Arts class we read a book called The Last Cuentista. It’s about Halley’s Comet destroying Earth and having a spaceship protect them and fly them to another planet. For a project after reading this we made a short story about our perfect world and what it would be like. Then we made a book with our perfect world story and a story (cuento) we made. My world was called Aezorz.